Before I could paint the legs, I had to test fit all parts to see how they fit. Test fitting also showed me where I could place masking tape in preparation for bonding the resin parts to the wood.
The first picture is a diagram to show roughly where I masked the wooden legs prior to priming them. Don't forget, you also need to mask off the corresponding areas of the resin parts so that the raw resin will hold to the unpainted wood. If you can avoid it, don't glue two painted parts together.
To bond the resin parts to the wood, I used a 5 minute epoxy found at Lowes Hardware. This stuff is easy to work with, but only plan to use it on one or two settings. The tube has two applicators and you will use it up rather quickly. Always have all the parts ready, because you will only get about 5 minutes to make adjustments. You don't want to be scrambling for pieces. Things need to go on in a certain order, so dry test everything.
To align the parts and hold them more secure to the legs, I used dowel rods. Similar to how woodworkers dowel two pieces of wood together, the same technique can be used on the parts. I just purchased a piece of dowel rod from the hardware store and cut it to my needs, but you can also buy doweling kits in stores and woodworking shops.
Here are two pictures of the legs all put together. The first shows the booster covers. The still need to be hand painted with some aluminum model paint in detail areas.
The second photo shows the ankle group. The dowel joints and the epoxy combo is strong enough that I can lift up the entire leg just holding the booster or ankle cylinder.