January 10, 2011

How To: See All the Latest Forum Posts in Just one Click

I wanted to share a helpful trick I use to always stay up on the latest forum talk at Astromech.net. When you go to the forums, its broken out into various sections - like domes, for sale, off topic, etc. Thats great if you are looking for a specific topic for your droid. If you want to just see what's new however, there is a great link you can bookmark that will take you straight to the latest posts that YOU have not seen yet.


First, notice that when you click the above link, it will almost immediately change in your address bar. Thats because when you click it, the forum automatically generates a special search result tailored to you. The forum knows what you've already seen and weeds old posts out. That way, it only brings up topics with new discussion in them.

In order to bookmark that link, I like to make it my home page. That way, all I have to do is click the home button and it takes me straight to the latest forum posts. To do this, you will want to find your browsers options or preferences. When you open the preferences screen, it will have a space where you can enter in a link for your home page. Often, this is set to google or sometimes your internet provider's page. Cut and paste the link above - you want the it to be the exact link I have posted. Save those preferences and now your homepage will be set to the official club website.