Its been a busy week! Between the newspaper article that ran in the University Newspaper and announcing the blog on the Yahoo group, I am sure to get some new visitors.
First, a little background about the build. This droid will be a three leg R2 unit painted red and white; think R2 with the blue removed. Instead of a blue droid, I want to have an IU themed astromech, hence the name IU-D2.
The goal is to first have a static unit and then RC to follow. The first electronics will go in the dome, and work their way down from there. Some planning ahead is needed because of this two-stage plan, but I hope to make everything flexible enough that I can add features as needed.
Perhaps the most interesting part about this build is that most of it will take place in my dorm room. Impossible? Perhaps, but if Anakin can build C3PO in his room, why can't I do this? Some things will not be feasible here, so I have a full shop with construction and woodworking tools in my back yard at home.
So in the mean time, welcome to the blog! Feedback is always welcome... and go Hoosiers!